• Knitting Projects

    The Kara Sweater Kit by We Are Knitters – A knitting pattern review…

    Back in December, I was lucky enough to collaborate with We Are Knitters with a giveaway over on my Instagram account.  As part of this collaboration, they invited me to choose one of their kits as a gifted product which I could review with no obligation to share. I’m fairly new to knitting kits having only tried one or two in the past, my most recent being The Lighthouse Sweater which I absolutely loved making and which is probably now one of my most favourite hand knitted garments.  You can read my review of The Lighthouse Sweater here if you’d like to. So, after a little bit of shopping around…

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  • Lifestyle

    Ten reasons why sewing is amazing (and you should try it)…

    One – It’s good for your mental health – For me, the whole sewing process from start to finish can be so mindful. I tend to switch off from everything else when I sit at my machine so it’s a great way to take a break from the everyday stresses of life and have a bit of ‘me time’. Working with your hands has been proven to have a positive effect on anxiety too! Two – There are so many pretty fabrics to use – Fabric shopping can be seriously addictive! Gone are the days of limited fabric choice with only a few fabric shops to buy from. There are…

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