• Pattern Hacks

    Friday Pattern Company Sagebrush Top and Fibre Mood Norma Blouse Mash Up

    The idea… The Sagebrush Top by Friday Pattern Company has been on my ‘to make’ list for a little while now but with autumn and the colder months coming up I wondered how much wear I’d get out of it if I made it with the short, possibly cardigan unfriendly sleeve.  So I started to think of ways I could adapt the pattern slightly to add a longer sleeve instead and that’s when the Fibre Mood Norma Blouse came to mind. I absolutely love the Fibre Mood Norma blouse too and it’s another one that’s been on my list for a while but I’d not yet got around to trying. …

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    My thoughts on slow fashion and trying to shop more sustainably…

    I LOVE clothes and I love fashion. You probably wouldn’t know this if you saw me on the school run these days. but I do.  In my younger, more carefree days I would spend a large proportion of my wages on clothes every month often only wearing something once, it was almost like a hobby, clothes were my interest and I wanted something new pretty much every weekend.  I’m almost ashamed to admit that now but maybe there wasn’t actually anything wrong with that at the time, it’s where I get my love of sewing from after all.  I also liked to study the clothes and see how they were…

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