The Seamstress Tag Vlog
For my second video I decided jump on board #theseamstresstag questionnaire. I hope you enjoy it, if you do I’d love you to consider subscribing and hitting the notification bell to keep up to date with all of my videos.
Minerva Blogger Network – Sew Over It Pussy Bow Blouse
I have wanted to make this blouse for ages and ages but I was put off because I thought the cuffs looked a bit difficult. I chose this fabric not realising quite how sheer it was in real life but when it arrived it was so silky and beautiful I knew it couldn’t be anything else so I jumped right in and decided to tackle those cuffs with possibly the most difficult fabric I’ve ever worked with. No point in doing things by half hey… 😉 Pattern: Sew Over It Pussy Bow Blouse I bought the pdf version and printed at home. Fabric: Lady McElroy Spray Bouquet Chiffon, kindly gifted…