• You Tube

    YouTube Pattern Review: Glasshouse Patterns Nemesia Dress

    I was lucky enough to be on the panel of testers for this pattern. It’s a jersey dress, super comfy and versatile, perfect for the autumn/winter months. Watch my full review in my YouTube video below, there are also more photos on my Instagram page. Don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe to my channel to see more videos like this, I’m hoping to start uploading sewing videos regularly. Thank you so much for reading and watching! Sally xxx

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  • You Tube

    Oct/Nov ’19 Fabric Haul and Sewing Plans Vlog

    In my first EVER YouTube video I’m talking all about my finds from The Knitting and Stitching show and what I plan to make with them. I’d love you to pop over and have a watch and keep an eye on the blog and Instagram to see how I get on making them. PS. apologies for the fact that I am full of cold here and say ‘erm’ a lot… Don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe to my channel to see more videos from me. Thank you so much for reading and watching! Sally xxx