Ten reasons why sewing is amazing (and you should try it)…
One – It’s good for your mental health – For me, the whole sewing process from start to finish can be so mindful. I tend to switch off from everything else when I sit at my machine so it’s a great way to take a break from the everyday stresses of life and have a bit of ‘me time’. Working with your hands has been proven to have a positive effect on anxiety too!
Two – There are so many pretty fabrics to use – Fabric shopping can be seriously addictive! Gone are the days of limited fabric choice with only a few fabric shops to buy from. There are some amazing independent fabric shops online which stock a beautiful range of different fabric types, great for designing and making up your perfect outfit!
Three – You can think of a garment and make it – Once you’ve made a few different patterns and got a few garments and techniques under your belt, you’ll soon get the hang of adapting and changing patterns slightly and start making the wardrobe of your dreams. Personally, I love to take inspiration from Pinterest and the High Street and use the patterns I already have in my stash to try to create something similar – it’s one of my favourite sewing activities, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t but that’s all part of the fun..!
Four – The sense of achievement when you learn something new is great for your self esteem – There’s nothing quite like the feeling of trying a new sewing technique and eventually mastering it. Don’t get me wrong this can bring it’s frustrations too but once you get there there’s no better feeling and you’ll soon find you can’t wait for your next sewing challenge.
Five – Once your get your head around how to alter garments it’s possible to get the perfect fit – I’ve recently made my first swimsuit, something I never thought I’d ever attempt! I’m so pleased that I no longer have to spend ages searching around for the perfect ready to wear swimwear (which I don’t think exists). Being only 5′ 3″ I’m also glad to be able to make trousers and dresses that don’t actually drag on the floor 😉
Trying out a collar for the first time Safiya Trousers – the perfect length A dress recreated from a Pinterest Dress I loved
Six – You can make home furnishings for far less expense than shop bought – When I first started sewing I mainly made home wear and I can’t tell you how much money I saved by sewing my own curtains and blinds rather than having them professionally made. There’s also the added bonus of being able to design and choose your favourite fabrics to perfectly match your decor too!
Seven – It’s great for expressing creativity – There is so much to experiment with in sewing. Patterns, fabrics, stitching styles, colours and much more. It’s really a good way to discover your own style and flaunt it with pride.
Eight – It can be great for sustainability – I know this one is a little hit and miss since not all fabric is ethically or sustainably sourced but I know that, for me, since being able to sew my own wardrobe I’m much more considered in any ready to wear garments I do choose to buy and any garments I make are well cared for and stay in my wardrobe far longer than the fast throw away fashion I’m ashamed to say I used to buy a lot of.
Nine – It can be a great way to earn a bit of extra income – Whilst on maternity leave with my first baby I set up my own sewing business and Etsy shop making and selling personalised gifts and home wear. This was a great way to earn a bit of extra income and gave me something to focus on for me while also being a stay at home mum.
Cushions I made for our home Working towards a more sustainable wardrobe that will last A blouse I made using several different patterns hacked together
Ten – The sewing community is a great, friendly place to be – Sewing has really made a come back over the last few years and I love the community that there is around sewing and making these days. Personally I’ve found the sewing community super supportive and friendly and I know that I’ve been encouraged in my sewing journey by lots of other lovely sewists out there.
So those are my top ten reasons why sewing is amazing and you should give it a go! If you’re someone who would like to try sewing but are afraid to start comment below and let me know what’s stopping you. I’d love to encourage you if I can…
Until next time – Sally xxx