Ten things I’ve loved about September…
One – Getting back to a routine…
At the beginning of September we found ourselves thrown back into school days and although we were nervous at first about how we’d all cope (by we I mainly mean me, because I’ll happily admit to loving the extra time with the kids during lockdown) it has proved to be a good thing for us all that we’re finally back into some sort of ‘normal’ routine and I’ve felt much more productive for it.

Two – Conker collecting…
Every year since my children were little we’ve gone down to the river that runs through our town in September to collect conkers and I’m not yet allowing them to tell me they’re too old 😉 We always collect a bag full and bring them home sometimes for crafts and sometimes to sit and rot in the garden until we remember them the next spring when they have a lovely grey mould growing all over them (tell me I’m not alone!).

Three – Sunny but chilly walks to school…
We’re lucky to live close enough to our school to walk to and from and I’m just loving how fresh the air feels on our morning walks. Just that time of year when you feel the need to enjoy the crispness before winter hits and those morning walks aren’t so pretty!!
Four – Getting my knitting out again…
I’m definitely more of a winter knitter, during the summer months yarn crafts just don’t seem to appeal so much. This month I’ve started knitting the free ‘Fred’ cardigan pattern from Lovecrafts.com with this lovely mustard yarn from Hobbycraft and I’m really enjoying the interest that the lace stitch brings.

Five – Sewing things with big sleeves…
Autumn seems to be all about the statement sleeves so I thought it would be rude not to join in with this trend. My current favourite ‘big sleeved’ make is my mash up of the Sagebrush Top pattern by Friday Pattern Company and the Norma Blouse by Fibre Mood. I just want to add this sleeve to everything from now on. I’m hoping to get a blog post written up about this top soon.

Six – Planning my autumn/winter makes…
This year I really want to steer away from my usual jeans and jumpers and wear more dresses with tights and boots. I also want to tackle something that’s been on my ‘to make’ list for a while, a coat! My current favourite is still The Coat pattern by The Avid Seamstress. It’ll be a scary make but if I can get it done I know I’ll be so proud.
Seven – Reading…
My book of the month this month has to be ‘So Lucky’ by Dawn O’Porter. I devoured this and read it in a few days flat on my kindle. So easy to read and very relatable, I love how she deals with how important it is to always be kind because you never know what someone is going through behind the scenes.
Eight – Getting back into TV watching…
I’m kind of loving the fact that the nights are drawing in, things are feeling cosy and it seems ok to curl up in front of the TV in the evening and watch TV or Netflix. This month we enjoyed watching Des on BBC I-player which was a pretty harrowing true life story but wonderfully acted by David Tennant in my opinion.
Nine – Listening to audio books
For my birthday I received some Bluetooth, noise cancelling headphones which are amazing and mean that I can finally sew and listen to something at the same time without whatever I’m listening to being drowned out by the machines. I’ve been listening to audio books via Amazon Audible a lot while I sew and clean. This month I listened to Atomic Habits by James Clear and I absolutely loved it. I’ve been wanting to start running and doing yoga again and this book gave me the motivation to start and learn how to build those habits into my day.
Ten – Getting the slow cooker out
I LOVE my slow cooker, there’s nothing better than knowing you’ve already got dinner pretty much done in the morning. My slow cooker sadly died earlier in the year and we’ve just replaced it with this one which I love! Autumn casseroles and stews are the best…
What have you loved about September?
Lots of love as always…
Sally xx
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